Hello 👋 I am Rajath 🙋🏽‍♂️

A product guy with a love for indie rock, I am passionate about infusing creativity in tech. Travelling is my way of unwinding from the monotony of life.

I am living in Hyderabad and I am currently working as a Product Manager at Brokenatom.

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Kindle is my sleeping pill

How Kindle became my ultimate sleep aid and travel essential—here’s how it changed the way I read.

14 Sep 2024

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A Week in Kazakhstan

Explore my week-long adventure through Kazakhstan's stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, brought to life in 36 captivating photos.

21 Aug 2024

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A Weekend in Old Hyderabad with Fujifilm X100vi

Explore Hyderabad's iconic spots like Charminar and Chowmahalla Palace through my photo essay, capturing the city's rich history and vibrant markets.

20 Jul 2024

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Nu Beginnings - My First Gundam Build

Join me on my first Gundam build adventure, exploring user experience, gamification, and hobbyist insights!

06 Jul 2024

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My First Blog Post

Hello world, bonjour, namaste, hola, hallo, or whatever—welcome to the first of many quirky musings on this blog!

24 Jun 2024

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